
Monday, April 19, 2010

Sunshine Award

I want to thank the beautiful Dolcie Crawford of DeeCee's Wire Wonders for her beautiful award. She gave me the award for the features I do for other artisans. I received one of these awards a few weeks back, but it still warms my heart that someone would think of me and send one to me. I actually sent a few of these out to blogs that I really love and admire. Unfortunately, not everyone appreciates them and finds that they are "like postal chain mail". So with that thought in mind I will open my arms warmly to Mrs. Dolcie and thank you so much for your heart felt desire to pass this on. I will accept any thing given from the heart, because that is where truly unique gifts come from. However, I allow this award to remain passed to those that I previously awarded to avoid further distress or confrontation. It's kind of sad when one has to wonder if a recipient will want a gift given freely. I guess that's kind of the whole basis of Christianity. A gift given freely is not always wanted or accepted. That is for a later post, though. So here's to the beautiful, wonderful, and kind Dolcie. Have a look at her blog, visit her Etsy store, and see the beauty in her heart evident in her designs. She makes such wonderful wire jewelry. Her tree of life pendant is exquisite. I have always wanted one and they are on sale to her Facebook fans and friends for 30% off. You can find DeeCee's Wire Wonders on Facebook at And imagine my surprise when visiting her blog and there is an Etsy roll of MY products! I was not only surprised, but amazingly humbled. Thanks, Dolcie.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I think that is so sad! I loved it when I received the sunshine award and really enjoyed passing it on to some others whom i thought deserved it! I am now following your blog, too! Found you on Cafe Handmade! Ps- if you would like to be featured on my blog, just comment with a link! I am always doing pursuits and love sharing with others!


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