
Monday, May 16, 2011

It's over, it's done...

After 2 very long years of working on my master's degree, I am finally done. I can now say that I am a teacher (looking for work). I so enjoyed my time working with 17 wonderful kindergarten children for 12 weeks. Yes, I DID enjoy it. Each and every one of them became very special to me. I found myself thinking about what they were doing at various times of the day today.

I plan to spend my summer looking for work and finishing my certifications, but with a lot of crafting thrown in there. I have not had a real week in the last two years when I didn't have an assignment or post requirement hanging over my head. It's somewhat disconcerting not having anything that I MUST do on a daily basis, so I plan to live it up a little. While creating wire and beaded jewelry may not sound like living it up to many others, or getting my house cleaned, or even sitting on my butt and reading a book - I can honestly say there is nothing I desire more right now. I have missed blogging and tweeting, connecting on Facebook and having time for life. However, this degree is also the start of a new life, and I'm looking forward to that as well.

So party down, everyone, and congratulations to all of the graduates out there working so hard to finish high school or college. I can assure it, it is worth it. Every moment of it. Good, bad, ugly, and fantastic. Many thanks to those that helped me make it this far.

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