
Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The Christmas Card

The one thing that I sometimes don't do is Christmas cards. I buy the cards, think about addressing them, possibly do fill them out and address them, then forget to take them to the post office in time for actual pre-event arrival. The cards, in my opinion, are a waste of time and money, not to mention additional environmental sludge. I really put very little emphasis or time into cards because I don't think people really get that much out of them. So my goal this year is to gather some ideas for cards - or greetings - that have a practical use.

Mason jars filled with dry ingredients to make cookies or cupcakes sound like fun, with a little tag that says, "Thinking of you." Practical, reusable, and extremely expensive to ship (in comparison to a card). So if your recipient lives within visiting distance, these are great as drop-off cards. I'm not real creative in this department - so I NEED HELP. (Seriously, not the medical kind, although that may be necessary as well. We'll leave that for another post. ;-))

So if you have any great ideas for practical, reusable, environmentally friendly greeting cards/gifts, let me know. Remember, cheap to ship. You can leave your link to your blog post, tutorial, or just a suggestion. I will tell others where to find you (blog traffic!) or work with you to create a post about your terrific idea on this blog. I've scoured the Internet, and will probably scour some more, to find those ideas. Until then, your input would be much appreciated.

1 comment:

  1. From my friend on Twitter---> A friend made me a card w/heart cutout. In that was a pieced fabric heart full of lavender, so it was a card & a sachets 4 my drawer.


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