
Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving

Just thought I'd drop in to wish all of my readers a Happy Thanksgiving - no matter where you are or where you're from! It's a great day to just reflect on the year and to be thankful for the things in your life. Trials are a way of strengthening us to walk straighter and prouder, knowing we've fought all that life throws at us with our heads held high. When you give in and give up, fate has won and taken your life. So if you're struggling with things right now (and really, who isn't?) be Thankful because you will come out the victor if you continue to fight hard and choose the right paths.

I also wanted to try and bring some comfort to the lives of those that I know are facing a tough Christmas this year. It's ok if you can't afford to buy everything on your kids' wish lists or get gifts for those that you love. Trust me, most of the time it's not the gift they remember anyway! Be creative, make it a fun and heartwarming time. What you get doesn't have to come from a big retailer. Buy from small businesses, thrift stores, and yard sales. You get more and infuse the economy with more than you do from big business.

Did you know that Saturday is Small Business Saturday anyway? Avoid the headache of Black Friday and go shopping online or hit the little stores. They'll be having sales for Christmas, too! Want more info? Go to the official Facebook page and take the pledge to shop small.

Christmas is a time to really show each other that we love each other. It wasn't until big business got involved in our holiday that it turned into something else. Isn't that the way it usually is? It's the media, advertising, and big retailers that make you feel like you're not doing enough. Your kids will remember making paper chains, popcorn decorations, cookies, and being with you. They will say, "We didn't have much, but we had the best Christmases ever!" Isn't that what you want anyway? Enjoy the holidays, love each other, and keep it crafty!

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