
Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Not so ordinary...

The other day I was thinking about some of the people in my life that are quite unassuming in nature, not standing out among the crowd or in the light of famous-ness. However, these same people in their humbleness are also among some of the most intelligent, artistic, and wonderful people that I know.

The first I would like to point out is my friend Jess. She is a beautiful, intelligent woman that is probably smarter than most of the people I know holding doctorates. Recently she obtained her college undergraduate degrees, and I am so very proud of her! However, those degrees really only tell a small portion of her learning. She is better read than I am, quoting and reading Greek and classic literature and famous authors I have not even attempted to read. She home educated her children and gave them such great experiences using MEP math and Charlotte Mason techniques - things I never attempted. She knits, sews, crochets, and does many fabulous things. I could go on and on, but the point is that she will probably never be among the recognized great thinkers of the world, but she amazes and humbles me with her quiet intelligence.

Another person is my girls' piano teacher. She is not only musically inclined, but also has all of these hidden talents that I didn't even know about - mostly because she never talks about them. She can bake, crochet, and is a photographer. Her items have won prizes at local fairs. It is her reluctance to talk about herself and her skills that I find so intriguing. We'll be having a conversation and I'll find out about something else she has done or wants to do. She doesn't assume herself skilled or intelligent, but I find some of her insights and reflections falling upon my heart and worming their way into my brain. I believe she is another amazing woman that if people take the time to get to know, will also be made aware of the silent geniuses surrounding us.

In closing, I just want to say that just because someone is not famous, rich, or highly degreed, does not mean they are not worth your time or conversation. You may find that the person you thought you were far above is actually far above you. The quiet, silent people are the thinkers, the ones that have more potential than we realize, and the ones we should listen to the most. They are all around us, in our lives, and next to us in the McDonald's. They may even be working at McDonald's, but that makes does not make their potential impact on our lives less. If you're fortunate, you'll meet them, strike up a conversation, and improve your own life simply by knowing them.

1 comment:

  1. And you are such an inspiration! Entrepreneur, Teacher, and Friend. You are amazing - don't ever let anyone tell you different!


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