
Thursday, February 7, 2013

DIY Fashion Redesign

Shirt to Skirt 
I have to admit that I spend quite a bit of time going through each and every link when I get my newsletter from All Free Sewing. I especially love their sections on DIY Fashion Redesigns. This is where crafty bloggers from all over the web are collected in one place to share their tutorials and patterns with the world. The best part? It's all free. Yep, just like the name of the website! (go figure)

There are some ads and links that you'd probably be better NOT clicking on when you go to the site, but I have found that all of the links in the newsletter and on the main site that lead to the patterns are all safe. I have found some pretty terrific ideas on there, many of which I have posted to my Pinterest "Sewing Ideas" board.

Yes, I'm also a Pinterest addict. There. 'Nuff said.

So what to do with all of these ideas? Here is what I do.

You can always raid your closets (yours, your kids', your husband's, your mother's - it's all good). Or you can go thrift store shopping. I really don't have much to raid from anymore, so it's off to the thrift stores for me.

I have a SmartPhone. Well, kinda. It's not that smart, but it is in that classification, so there it is. Anyway, I also have a Pinterest app on my Smart Phone. (I already mentioned my addiction, leave me alone.) When I decide to do some thrift store shopping, I go to my Pinterest app and look at my "sewing ideas" board. This contains some really great links to DIY refashion ideas. I follow the links, see what materials they are using for what inspires me that day, and make my purchases accordingly. It's not too hard. This also usually ends up in a trip to the hobby/sewing store for buttons, elastics, cording, ribbons, etc.

DIY refashion is so awesome because you can make virtually ANYTHING with a little ingenuity. Those high dollar runway items you so covet can be yours with a few tweaks and a sewing machine. Actually, I have completely filled my closet with DIY refashions before and had a whole new wardrobe for the next season. The only thing I haven't done? Cute boots. I love cute boots. I wear boots in the summer. I don't care. I love them. I hate heels, flats, sandals, flip flops -- all of those. But I love my boots and tennis shoes. Hmm...Guess I'll have to figure that one out!

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