
Friday, October 4, 2013

New Technique ~ Guest Blogger

HI! My names Ashley, I am here to tell you about my fabulous new technique that I tried out today/ I told my good friend Tammy about it and she suggested blogging about it to share, and HERE I am!!! A little bit about myself first, (kinda to credit my skills maybe?). I am the owner of a very small business called "SEW Stitches",  I sell handmade crochet, knit, and sewn items. I started it about 2 years ago, it has had 3 names, and SEW Stitches kinda just stuck since I do 3 different "types" of sewing (you all know what I mean lol). 

So back to the nitty gritty! I make oodles of hats with appliques on them in the winter and some of you will know what I'm talking about when I say this.. but it takes WAY TO LONG to hold eye balls and sew them on and PRAY they are in the right spot!!! 

Well I have been dreading the coming hat season because of this horrid applique issue, and one day while organizing all my quilt supplies and what nots on the craft table.. I got to thinking... WHY NOT USE BASTING SPRAY ?!?!!? Sooo this is how my new technique tutorial was born!!!! I have a few pretty not so pretty pictures for you! It was late and dark but you will understand! 

First! You will need your handmade items (I am using a hat for my daughters birthday present and she asked for a flower applique), basting spray (this is found with quilting supplies at walmart, hobby lobby, any craft store will have it!), something to put behind you so the spray doesn't get on your table (I didn't use anything in the pictures because I normally do it outside), scissors, and a needle to sew in the yarn. 

Second, you will select the part of the applique that you would normally sew onto the hat and get in your mind where your applique will be placed. I like my flowers to be a little free, so I only sew the centers on, but with eyes and noses you would sew the entire thing on so you wouldn't need to select a SPECIFIC part. 

Now you will very carefully spray the smallest amount of basting spray onto the selected area. Please be very patient and BARELY touch the nozzle, because this stuff sprays fast wide and is VERY sticky and hard to get off! So just gently tap to spray and do it in little spots. (Remember you are sewing this so the spray doesn't have to be your PERMANENT glue, you wont need much to hold it in place for 10 minutes while you whip stitch around)

Now that you have your basting spray applied your going to put it on the spot you want it to be PERMANENTLY PLACED! Once you have placed the appliqued piece on your hat it will be sticky, so moving it as little as possible is best!!!! 
Now VOILA!!! whip stitch, sew, or however you normally attach your applique around without having to re-position a million times and pray that its in the even position you aimed for!! 
Normally I would show you the finished hat, but I have not finished it as its midnight and I have a party to plan and a dress to make for the birthday girl! Sooo I will share another hat finished using this technique, it was actually the one I tested this technique on!

Any questions, comments, or what not please be free to ask!!!! You can do so here.. OR.. I would LOVE for you to *Like* my page on facebook and share with all your friends and family!! Thanks for taking time to read my tutorial, hope you like it, learn something, or that it helps you in someway!

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