
Saturday, February 1, 2014

Saturday Musings: Resolutions Report

So how have your new year's resolutions been going? Have you had successes or failures? Are you still working on them and not giving up, or did you call it quits by January 15?

I have to say, I'm actually pretty happy with what I've done so far. I had a lot of plans and resolutions, and I've tried working on some of them throughout this month. I posted about also keeping up and organizing my blog better. I haven't given up on any of them, except maybe the Christmas craft one. I've been doing other crafts, though, so I can't say it's entirely a loss.

My list of resolutions was to

1. Learn to spin by wheel and spindle,
2. To make at least one Christmas craft every week  
3. To save money 
4. Spend more time doing outdoor activities such as gardening, hiking, biking, camping, etc. 
5. have all of my Christmas shopping done by November

While I have not yet attempted spinning, I did finish watching my Craftsy class Spindling: From Fluff to Stuff. I took a lot away from the class and have two skeins of roving and a spindle ready for when I have a moment to try it.

Saving money? Yes and no. I'm trying the 52 week savings plan and hoping that I can keep up with it. The first few weeks after Christmas are always very tight for us financially. Which is why I'm trying to save money. So if I can break the catch 22, I'll continue to save. Power bills go up from the cold, we have bills that have piled up because we bought Christmas instead, and my husband loses a good chunk from not working overtime on the holidays. I DID catch up and threw a little extra in the savings account last week, though!

Did I mention it's been cold? With ice piling up this last week, I've been a little hesitant to go outside and attempt any activities. Brr. Biking in 23 degree weather? No thanks. It will get done once it heads back up to the 60s and 70s, though. Paul Brentnall

Of course, along with those bills in January, I really haven't done any Christmas shopping, either. But I have Pinterest lists and ideas, and getting ready to do a few layaways. I still have 10 months.

One of the things I'm most proud of, however, is that I have kept up on my blog posts for the past 3 weeks! I'm so excited about some of the things we'll be doing. I really hope that you take the time to try out some things I post about and that this blog will become more interactive. If you've missed any of the posts, just click on the page links in the header and find what interests you.

I did dispose of my intent to do a blog for Sunday. A day off sounded much better. It also gives me a day to work on the rest of the week's posts. I've missed the deadline on a few, but the posts are there!

So I'd love to hear how your resolutions are coming along. Did you lose 2 lbs? Get something organized? Spend some time with family? Attempt a new craft?

Please comment below and let me know how you're doing! The worst that can happen is you'll get encouragement to keep on going.

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