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Friday, March 12, 2010

Etsy go braugh

Around this time of year we hear the phrase "Erin go braugh!" yelled around and flashed on tee shirts and signs of all types. The literal translation for this phrase is "Ireland until judgement day!" So, hoping that judgement day is still a way in the future, I will show you some Etsy finds to help celebrate St. Patrick's Day and all things Irish. Just remember, not all things Irish are green!


Just listed this morning! Imagine smelling all yummy for St. Patrick's Day this year. Start the day off right with a refreshing bath in green.


This beautiful print is 1 of 6 available of the artist's trip to Ireland. I have dreams of going to Ireland one day and seeing the rolling green hills, the ancient castles, and County Cork - the birthplace of my husband's ancestors. Until I can get there, though, I will have to satisfy myself with beautiful intepretations such as this. At only $10, you may have to act fast before I buy this jewel up. ;-)


The tree of life in an ancient symbol used across religions and time to symbolize many different things. The ancient Celts used it to symbolize creation and protection. With the advent of Christianity it became of a symbol of the Creator. This beautiful wire wrapped pendant is a celebration of the beauty behind the symbol. Reflection of light from the cat's eye stone will attract attention from admirers.


Are you advanced in wire wrapping or an intermmediate looking for a challenge? This tutorial will show you how to make this stunning wire wrapped celtic braid pendant. You also get two free mini-tutorials with it. Whip up your own jewelry this week.


Beautiful green pearls and copper findings are an addition to any wearin' o' the green this year. These little stunners are so ornate nd perfectly matched top and bottom. Bring out your inner Irish Warrior.


I usually limit my page to five products, but as I was flopping back to Etsy I saw this stunning macrame and bead choker. The beadwork and intricacy of the macrame just blows me away, along with the color combinations. So while this is last, it is certainly not least. And what could be more Irish than intricate knotwork?

I hope you enjoyed this week's Etsy finds. I have so much fun finding these items and meeting fantastic new artisans on the site. My husband, as I mentioned earlier, is Irish by heritage. We live in Savannah, Ga where one of the biggest St. Pat's festivals are held every year. We don't go. The crowds are horrid, the streets are narrow, and some drunk idiot eventually falls into the river. Along with the muggings, murder, and over-priced everythiing, it is a nightmare. So we celebrate our S. Pat's with a good dinner of corned beef and cabbage. However you celebrate, though, I hope you include something handmade in your day.

1 comment:

  1. WOW! Thank you for featuring my "Tree of Life and Faith" in your blog. It is an honor to share with the other artists who are so talented.
    Have a blessed day.


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