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Monday, March 15, 2010

Celtic Artfire

The parade anxiety is heightening here in Savannah. As the revelers flow into town, I make my final run to Michael's for the next week. Any other hobby store runs are going to be 1.5 hours in the opposite direction of Savannah! LOL> They posted arrest stats for last year and they were at 200, although that was probably a lot of street urination arrests. Don't I make it sound like fun? Honestly, though, St. Patrick's Day is awesome for the celebration, the green beer, breads, hats, clothes, fountains - aw, heck, everything turns green this time of year! So live it up with some handmade items from these Artfire  artisans!


Leta is one of my favorite AF artisans. Her designs are elegant simplicity. They adorn the body like beautiful accents, calling attention but not screaming for it. Her Celtic Dreaming earrings are a testimony to her signature designs. With obvious detailing on the Celtic charm, the blue inspires one to dream of rolling Irish Hills and misty morns.

JStinson (Ghi-Goo-ie Designs)

I'm a bit partial to Native American designers. My ancestors were Native American (as well as many, many other origins). The biggest part of my geneological makeup is that of Native American, Irish, and German. So I feel a connection to this Scott/Native American artisan! That said, I think her beadwork on this necklace and the lovely story of her grandmother are testaments to a proud heritage on both sides. The knotwork design is accented with a shining moon. Again, I'm drawn to this piece because my baby daughter is named Jaeci (Jay-cee), a Native word meaning "moon". The twists and tangles with the bright glow in a dark night sums up her spirit and tendencies. Beautiful and meaningful.


These little knotty little earrings are just so whimsical. The design looks like the classic Celtic knot, but is actually plastic coated chain links. I love the color work and the design.

MeriGreenLeaf (Fling Creations)

I've been thinking about having my cartilage pierced for some time now. I never took the plunge, being just a double-piercing on the lobe girl. However, after seeing this beautiful design by MeriGreenLeaf I am again considering the inevitable. These are so fun and adorable. For those that already have their ears pierced in this manner, this would add a bit of elf or fairy to your St. Patty's day wardrobe.

mhowitt (Morning Glory Jewelry Creations)

This cuff is just so elegant. A traditional celctic knot is unending, there is not beginning and no ending. They are used as a sign of life and continuity. The design in this bracelet weaves the coils together, and when they must come to an end, they seem reluctant to do so and continue to curl in seperate paths. This piece plays on my imagination. Copper has been known for it's health and healing tendencies since ancient Egyptian times.


Breathtaking. That's my first impression of this sterling silver and moonstone pendant. The metal work looks absolutely flawless. The artisan's post says that it took 4 hours to create, but I am sure that if I ever tried something like this, those four hour would be spent in the first leaf! The elvish qualities of this pendant are undeniable. I adore the inclusion of the four Trinity knots and the continuation of them down the spiraled point. The moonstone just beckons you to come closer and take a look!

I hope I inspired you to take a fresh look at Celtic jewelry and artwork today. Have a great St. Pat's and don't forget that Artfire is celebrating too!

After this post was published, I got a great link to another blog by jstinson (beadwork above) in my comments. This is such a funny little story and just reminds me how inventive, intelligent, and awesome children can be. Celebrate not only St. Patrick's Day, but children and the joy they can bring.


  1. I so appreciate your including my necklace in this lovely tribute to celtic designs for St. Patrick's Day. This is a very special celebration at our house. If you would like to know why, check out this link:
    I think you will get a good chuckle from it. Mvto and Wado (Thank you in Creek and Cherokee) for this feature.

  2. Thank You for including me in your blog today Tammy~~ I am off to check out the others you have mentioned as well. Such wonderful artists!!
    And I like you have Irish/Scottish, as well as a few drops on N.A. Have a Great Day, Leta

  3. Thank you for the inclusion in your blog! I appreciate the mention and I'm honored! :)

  4. Wonderful finds! And I am a big fan of letamariedesigns - have a couple pair of her earrings and love them! Now ... off to look around more at these lovelies!

  5. Thank you so much for including my earring with all these lovely Celtic-y things- I'm honored! :D


  6. Beautiful features! I have one of Elfling's ear cuffs and I love it :)


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